Ethernet NC/NCI Decoder Tool

This automated tool has been designed for our Wholesale customers ordering Wireline Switched Ethernet (Layer 2 TIER PNUM) services with a PNUM that begins with EIAV or EPAV. The Decoder Tool will identify the correct NC, NCI, SECNCI and SPEC Codes necessary for Access Service Request (ASR) submission. You will be asked to make a series of selections. Once all the required selections have been made, a downloadable results screen will be displayed.

Wholesale customers ordering UNI in a Collocation (E-Path or EIA) should refer to the available job aids online at: https://wholesale.frontier.com/resources/access-services/ethernet-ordering/ethernet-order-samples/.

Wholesale customers ordering other Ethernet Services (PNUM does not begin with EIAV or EPAV) should refer to the available job aids online at: https://wholesale.frontier.com/resources/access-services/ethernet-ordering/ethernet-nc-nci-secnci-job-aids/.

If you are interested in a new Tier Rate contract (PNUM beginning with EIAV or EPAV), please contact your Frontier Account Manager for further assistance. If you do not currently have an assigned Account Manager, please contact Wholesale_Inquiry@ftr.com.

To begin a Decoder Tool search, please select a product above.